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Thread: Spin off of advent children {everyone welcome}

  1. #1
    True darkness

    Spin off of advent children {everyone welcome}

    There was a feel of floating here a sense of detachment the lines of wire and tubes spider webs leading to the unknown. She did not know how long she lied there on the hard metal bed the darkness would ebb and flow around her mind clouding it. Marking the days when he came a shadow it seemed to inject her with the green substance always making her weaker and stronger at the same time. It gave her a strange sense of power but made her lose a part of her self. When would it end the person in white would never answer a face she could never see so she dubbed him The shadow man or maybe it was a women. It had been 2 years to this day now her limbs felt as if they where weighted in lead. Not being able to even move anymore she had given up trying to even talk as well. Her voice had become a distant memory a scratchy reminder now. The details of her capture became fuzzy grabbing on to the last thread she pulled it to herself holding on to it a fractured life before this new one. She had been sitting in Aerith's place the perfume of lillys penetrating every aspect there colors bright. Against all odds they still grew here a legacy to the once bright light that was the women herself. She touched the petals to her face taking in the most smallest detail as if that would bring her back. She was a friend a friend now gone because of him. Then the foot steps that seemed to go on forever turning now as if in slow motion. Why was it always slow like the world held its breath waiting ready but she could never move never fight her way out. So she had been taken the restraints tight around her arms had she struggled fought back the man in black. The world exhaled then there was just blackness it was over she could rest now.

    3 months later

    Tifa stood overlooking the destruction of the once beautiful Midgar a smile beginning to curve on her lips oh it was so beautiful here so perfect so complete. Her Silver hair blew around her face like feathers as she slipped off the roof landing easy on her feet. Mako colored eyes now took in everything the ground a graveyard of bent metal and debris. Making her way easily though the maze she came to stop at the foot of a church. Something familiar here but as soon as her mind went to grab at the memory it slipped away almost playfully. She could not help but laugh it was such a strange light feeling just like the feeling of being free finally. They had told her at the complex a place she now felt was home that she had done very well. That she had exsided all expectations and they where now letting her go a perfect killer. Giving her even the coat she wore now black leather that fit her like a glove following her every movement like water it was wonderful. That and the katana she slipped that now off her back as she entered the old wooden doors that creaked as she pushed them open. The smell assaulted her first a sickly sweet odor so strong that she had to put a hand to her face. There was that light feeling again but she shook it off quickly. She looked for the cause and noticed the bright yellow white of the Lilly's. Taking her blade she made her way purposely towards the insult to her senses. Slicing away the blooms causing them to fall a unholy wedding shower of petals. Crushing them under her booted feet the stems bleeding away there life. She wanted away from this place far away turning she ran. Not knowing what truly was the cause of such a strange reaction. Or was it something else some unknown darkness that threatened to swallow her whole. The growl of a bike could be heard in the distance. It vibrated in her head as she ran pushing her faster she did not really care to find the sorce of noise that seemed to scream her name.

    Stopping some time later no real sense of time had elapsed for her it was as if she had been running her whole life. The thought came and left just a quickly a nagging sort of purpose. A thought of mother now surfaced from the mist. She had been thinking of her for quite some time now who was this mother no face could be put to her. She knew though that she must find her that it would end it all. Then of coarse clouds death his face was clear to her gold hair green eyes like her own. She longed to see the life drain from his face his eyes to turn glassy. He would be dealt with soon enough for she wished to savor his death. To torture him slowly as mother had been. Slipping down to the ground a forest of crystal light that held so many seeming secrets surrounded her. She held her arms around her self closing her eyes. Yes soon so soon no one could take away this small victory from her.

  2. #2
    Registered User Spin off of advent children {everyone welcome} Choatic_Valentine's Avatar
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    Feb 2009
    Deep in the city of the Ancients, Vincent Valentine's eyes fluttered briefly. Deep in the coffin where he had slept for the last few years, he was sensing a disturbance in the lifestream. He had chosen this remote area to be his final resting place after a life of hard times, and when he had first arrived, he had vowed to never again involve himself in the world of man. As the source of the disturbance moved closer to his resting place, he realized that he must awaken and once more save the people of this world that despises him. With a resigned sigh, Vincent pushed back the lid of his coffin and leaped out. After checking to make sure his gun was loaded and clicking the safety off, he began to make his way back towards the "civilized" lands.


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